Voyages of Starship Arrowstar

Voyages of Starship Arrowstar
Starship Arrowstar and Shuttlecraft Maxwell

Monday, July 13, 2015

Captain’s Log - Stardate: 20-15-07-13 – Starday: 46 - Part 2

Be sure to look at the Photo Splash that follows this second post for today

Monday: We’re official! We’ve registered on Planet Norton and have our blue sparkly wrist bands to prove it. The events the Arrowstar crew will most likely attend today include The Kids Field Events at 3:00 pm and the first Rally Dinner:Big Dog” with all the fixings and sides 5-8 pm.

In the meantime, we’ll check out touring the house the Vanderbilts built known as The Biltmore. Ever wondered where the Biltmore name originated?  I asked the Google and found out that Bilt is a Vanderbilt ancestral name and more refers to wide open rolling land. So there, now we know.

Tuesday: A Barney Fife impersonator will be working the crowd all evening and giving a presentation under the big tent as well. There’s also a Trivia Quiz supplied by Barney that results in a prize to the winner. The “Hog Town Squealers,” a Bluegrass Band will entertain while strolling through the crowd at dinner and singing/playing at various tables. Obviously there are other things like m/c rides, tech sessions, poker runs, swap meets and vendor sales going on all day long every day.

Wednesday: Field Events from 11 am to 1pm are always fun to watch. Two years ago Frank competed in the slow race and many, many eons ago we both took part in the beer can toss. All the events are safe and hilarious. In the evening John Favill will speak from 8-9 pm. “John Favill has made a life in motorcycling beginning in 1959 with Villers Engineering in Wolverhampton, England.” He is the inspiration behind the creation of the Norton Commando motorcycle. The First Officer may be interested in this (the Captain, not so much)

Thursday: Tour and lunch at the “Wheels through Time” Museum. “It will sweep you back in time with its magnificent presentation of vintage all-American motorcycles and automobiles.  . . over 320 of America’s rarest and most significant machines . . .99% of the machines on display are in running condition. That’s why it’s called “The Museum That Runs!”  In the evening the speaker will be David Aldana, a motorcycle racer from the 1970’s. He was a factory-supported Norton rider. 

Friday: Concours (Quality Top of the List) Bike Show – 10 am to noon and Rally Banquet Dinner and Awards at 6 pm followed by Sonny’s Commandos, “Sonny & Lynn Collier, long-time Norton supporters and Nashville blues enthusiasts bring a group of Nashville studio musicians to entertain under the big tent.”

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