Officer: The Starship Arrowstar is equipped, as are all
Federation starships, with a full complement of armament, including phasers,
photon torpedoes, (several handguns), and a newly-developed test version of a
device called a “snark launcher.” This new device is very powerful. It has been
known to start wars, destroy friendships, massacre self-images, and kill
marriages, and it has a hair-trigger.
First Officer Enjoying Breakfast-on-the-Road - Montana Galaxy |
This is evidenced twice so far this voyage by my snarky
comments about sailboat people and yesterday’s snarky comments about the creepy
Jesus statue. It turns out that the creepy Jesus statue was not in fact Jesus
wearing a Batman cape, but is, in fact, a 90-foot-tall statue of Jesus’ Momma.
In which case that makes it a perfectly beautiful statue and I apologize to the
citizens of Butte, Montana and all the other people who know how badly I put my
foot in it.
Mary statue glowing with light at night, standing smack on the top of the Continental
Divide and presiding over the city of Butte, Montana is known as “Our Lady of
the Rockies.” The vision for the statue originated when a sweet man promised
the Mother Mary he would build a statue of her in his yard if she would save
his wife, who was gravely ill with cancer. His wife did recover, and he
followed through with his promise.
With the enthusiasm of a myriad of volunteers the man’s
original idea blossomed into the third tallest statue in the US. Those who
worked for six years creating the statue dedicated it to women everywhere and
especially to mothers. Anyone, including the FO of Starship Arrowstar, who
would aim a “snark launcher” at this “promise made real” by so many willing hands
needs his mouth washed out with soap, as any good mother will tell you. Amen.
Officer: As we travel the galaxies we most often stay at KOA’s,
aka the MacDonald’s of RV Parks. They are not great, they are not bad, they are
simply a known quantity. They offer everything we need and a bunch of stuff we
don’t, and they’re always handy. But sometimes for various reasons we find
ourselves staying at small “Mom and Pop” RV Parks. Tonight we’re staying at one
of those, “Camper Corner” in Ennis, Montana.
It is a cute little park, about 14 RV spaces with another 10 spaces for
tenters. It is clean as a whistle and
the owners are bend-over-backwards friendly.
The laundry room is immaculate! I
found this out when Cheryl said to me, “You can have a nap or clean clothes. Which do you want?” I said, “A nap.” She said, “Wrong answer!” I said, “Then why did you ask?” She said, “It was a trick question.”
the way, as we pulled out today heading for Ennis to visit our friends, we did
notice a railroad track close to last night’s RV park. Fortunately no trains
disturbed me last night, but once again I lay awake until two in the morning.
This time my sleep deprivation resulted from firecrackers and a thunderstorm,
both of which our male Chihuahua Peanut is deathly afraid. I’ve found in the
past and again last night that it’s virtually impossible to sleep with a dog on
your head.
End Captain and First Officer’s Log
Hey you guys! I finally started reading you logbook and you're cracking me up! I'm sitting in the bedroom and every now and then I shout out to Brooks a sentence or two that has me giggling. He responds with a half-hearted "ha" and resumes what he's doing. Either he's in the middle of reading a heavy-duty book (which is usually the case), or it's one of those "I guess you needed to be there" moments.