Voyages of Starship Arrowstar

Voyages of Starship Arrowstar
Starship Arrowstar and Shuttlecraft Maxwell

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Captain’s Log - Stardate: 20-15-07-15 – Starday 48

Tuesday dawned gray and soggy after a night of storming and treated us to a morning of downpours followed by a partly cloudy afternoon. Today we’ve got sun, sun, sun and breezes with temps in the 70s. It’s a perfect motorcycling day, and a big group of bikes just left for a 90- mile roundtrip ride. 

David Browning, a Barney Fife impersonator, entertained us last evening with a comedy routine right out of the unforgettable Mayberry TV show. Then the Hogtown Squealers took the stage for some bluegrass music. In between these acts dinner from a few of Asheville’s famous food trucks warmed our bellies. 

Click here to see the beginning of David Browning's impersonation of Barney Fife.

In spite of the uncooperative weather, there were broad smiles on faces, and the endless discussions of motorcycle lore and legend continued without letting up in the least. Frank helped lead a “Tech Talk” in the Big Tent for a couple of hours in the am where quite a crowd of bikers showed up. Breakfast each morning has been biscuits and gravy, French toast and pancakes cooked up by the staff here at the KOA and served in their covered pavilion next to the office. 

We’re spoiled by all this southern hospitality, delicious food and the option to just hang out with these fine folks. Both Frank and I won door prizes (magnets and coasters). Pictures are worth a barrel of words, so we’ll stop talking and let you enjoy the video and photos.

Thanks for reading!

End Captain’s Log

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