Voyages of Starship Arrowstar

Voyages of Starship Arrowstar
Starship Arrowstar and Shuttlecraft Maxwell

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ship’s Log - Stardate: 2015-08-27 - Thursday - Mission Day 95

Captain’s Log
At first I thought, “Gazelles in Texas! How great we got to see them.” Three of these beautiful creatures were traveling down a dirt lane along a fence bordering Hwy 180 today as we made our way west toward the little burg of Post, Texas. They were as small as a young deer, but their antlers were long, pointed and extended straight from their heads over their backs. I found a picture of Dune Antelope Gazelles on the Internet that look like them. 

After doing some Internet research, I now know there are no antelope native to the U.S., but over the years many have been imported from Africa. Then, I read that Texas has many antelope in game preserves for hunters. As we drove today, we had noticed quite a few hunters’ blinds across the landscape. “Now I feel so sad because these three were most probably in one of those preserves.” In addition, I read that these particular Gazelles are an endangered species! I hope I’m wrong about this, but it does trouble me. 

While we’re on the subject of wildlife, we saw more of those chicken-sized turkey vultures on a latticework tower along the road. This time there were at least 50 of those big-black-scary birds perching high above us. I don’t think I like Texas very much! I’m a wimpy, wimpy, wimpy Arizona girl. 

Tomorrow we cross over into New Mexico and stay in Roswell at the Red Barn RV Park. Tonight’s venue ain’t that great, nor was the one in Fort Worth. And that’s another reason I’m ready to get the hell outta Texas!

We saw a really neat old hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas. This huge building’s architecture can easily be described as glamorous. Sadly, it sits derelict with boarded over doors and broken windows. 

Evidently in the 1920s this little bump in the road of a town used to be quite prosperous. Mineral Wells has mineral water that used to be bottled and sold before the Great Depression hit. For many years, tourists flocked to the grand Baker Hotel to stay awhile and drink the healing water.  If you’re interested, here’s a history page about it:

You’ll find an amateur video at the bottom of the page with a good picture of the building. The video takes you inside the ruined hotel after you skip the ad and get through the strange introduction.
Once again I enjoyed seeing all the small towns along this two-lane road we chose to drive instead of the modern four-lane Hwy 20. Our GPS tried valiantly to have us drive south on one of the many roads connecting Hwy 180 with 20, but she had no success whatsoever. It was a very memorable driving day on one of America’s more entertaining back-roads.

First Officer’s Entry:
“Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and sometimes it rains.”  So goeth the line by Tim Robbins in the movie, “Bull Durham.”

So I had this really neat idea.  I would spend a bunch of money on a digital “Atomic Clock” to replace the really nice, attractive, round, wood grained, battery operated, analog clock in the living room of the rig.  The Atomic Clock, although it was plain, square, and not very attractive, would  monitored the GMT clock signal, would always be correct, and would automatically reset itself when we passed from one time zone into another, thus saving me from having to do it manually.

And so I did.  I purchased the Atomic Clock and went through the set up procedures, one of which is to tell it what time zone it was in when it was set up, and hung it in place of the very attractive round analog clock.

Thus equipped with this latest technology we set out on our across the nation journey and don’tcha know . . . .

It didn’t work.

Yeah, it monitors the GMT signal just fine.  And it is perfectly accurate.  But it doesn’t know for beans what time zone it’s in.  So as we crossed and re-crossed the nation and its time zones I had to reset the fancy-schmancy Atomic Clock in order for it to not be an hour ahead or behind whatever time the real time really was.

Oh well, to quote Alan Alda in another good movie, “Same Time Next Year”, “I just didn’t think it through.”

And so it goes.

Oh by the way, here’s another time related quote, this one by the great Groucho Marx.

“Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.”

Think about it.
End Log.

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