Voyages of Starship Arrowstar

Voyages of Starship Arrowstar
Starship Arrowstar and Shuttlecraft Maxwell

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ship’s Log - Stardate: 20-16-07-06. Mission Day 01

Captain’s Entry: 

Starship Arrowstar once again is on the move. We left Starbase Del Monte at a leisurely 9:30 a.m., a full two hours earlier than we had planned. Making our way to the outskirts of Kingman, we landed at Blake Ranch RV Park and Horse Motel in the early afternoon.

The First Officer has been installing our new Dish Network TV set-up, while I’ve been reading North to the Orient by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I read it the first time several years ago, and today I read once again about the Lindbergh’s preparations to fly to China in their small Sirius airplane during the summer of 1931. Loading the RV doesn’t even come close to what Anne and Charles went through to ready their “rig” for flight.

I had to chuckle when I read a quote in Lindbergh’s preface because it somehow fits into our space-traveling theme we’ve adopted, dubbing the RV “Starship Arrowstar.” Written in the Victorian era by Master George Best in Hakluyt’s Voyages, he ruminates on the dangers of exploration:

“How dangerous it is to attempt new Discoveries, either for the length of the voyage, or the ignorance of the language, the want of Interpretors, new and unaccustomed Elements and ayres, strange and unsavoury meates, danger of theves and robbers, fiercenesse of wilde beastes and fishes, hugeness of woods, dangerousnesse of Seas, dread of tempests, feare of hidden rockes, steepnesse of mountains, darkenesse of sudden falling fogges, continuall paines taking without any rest, and infinite others.”

Best’s description of Martin Frobisher’s 1576 search for a Northwest Passage very handily puts our RV misadventures into the proper perspective. While we hardly consider ourselves explorers, we intend to regale you with stories of our travels and discoveries until you tell us to “Stop It!”

End Captain’s Entry

First Officer’s Entry:
So here we are on the outskirts of Kingman, AZ.  Our next stop is Beatty, NV, then Fallon, NV, and then to the rally site in Quincy, CA for a week.  After that we are going to explore Northern California for a while or possibly Oregon.  We plan to be out for another three or four weeks one way or another.

As the captain said, we are in the Blake RV Park and Horse Motel.  I never realized, until a horsey friend of ours told me, that folks who travel with horses stay at horse motels so the horses can move around, exercise, and frankly, take a comfortable poop.  I had just never thought about it!  But it does make a lot of sense.  Another whole industry I knew nothing about!

Wow!  A horse trailer/RV combo just drove past us heading down to the horse area.  That rig must be 60 feet long!  Our rig is 40 feet and he dwarfed us!
Anyway, our coach has an antenna in a dome on the roof capable of locking on to the appropriate satellite even while we in motion.  The Dish receiver/DVD can even record while we are traveling.  (Once I get it all set up, of course.)

I spent some time on the phone with Dish Tech Support and it seems that there are dip switches in the dome that have to be set in a specific code for the antenna to work.  So I get to climb up on the roof tomorrow morning to check and/or set the dips.

One last note for those of you who know about the 20’ by 20’ sun shade I built to protect the front of the coach.  I built it with the center support removable so the Smart car trailer would fit under it when taking it in or out of the back yard.  Well, IT WORKED PERFECTLY!  I took out the center support and the trailer just slipped right under the sunshade.  Gee, it’s neat when plans work as planned!

Just for fun from recent Tombstone trip

 End of First Officer’s Entry. 

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